First and foremost let me thank you for giving.  We must work together. We cannot do this alone and without God’s help.  God wants you and I to be either sending or the sent. Thank you for sending and supporting God’s work.

Feel free to contact me at and let me know you are giving. If I don’t know you I would love to include you in an insiders type of email that I send out periodically to those that are contributors. There are somethings, particularly concerning Muslims that come to the Lord that I cannot make public.

To make a tax deductible  donation simply click on the Donate link below. We use Stripe to process all credit card payments. Again, your deduction is Tax Deductible so please be generous.

Please take some time, if you have not already and read my post entitled The Mission and The Method. There you will get an understanding of the unique and Biblical model Jesus gave His disciples to advance the Kingdom of God.

Your brother,
